Production Performance Tools for Manufacturing Leaders
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FIT4MFG™ - Operations Performance application helps you quickly understand and locate process conditions that hurt the productivity and profitability of your plant. Our approach is different than most software companies. We provide the tools and training along with advisers that help your team:
Getting everyone on the same plan is often difficult. Fit4MFG™-Schedule Performance provides a single page for everyone to collaborate and communicate. Production lines see their orders as soon as they are entered and the planning team sees which orders are complete and active as well as the quantity produced. Each operations can set a frequency for updating the production counts to keep the organization synchronized and ensure the plant does not loose valuable production time making to much, to little( or worse yet,) the wrong product.
FIT4mfg™-Inspection Performance enables your operations team to setup routine inspection plans and track each to ensure they are completed on time and they are within specifications.
Each inspection can be configured to trigger an inspection on a regular schedule from once a shift to once a year. An inspection can be based on a set of attributes (color, odor, pass/fail) or numeric range (high limit, target, low limit.) In addition, each inspection can be unique to a specific product/material on a specific piece of equipment on a production process.